Established for citizens, including our officers, to hold discussions, post news, share ideas and information intended to improve life and safety in our city and surrounding areas - - Est. Charlotte, NC

This forum is to open eyes, open minds, open records, and improve the way our justice system on all levels works in our city. Please write with information on things broken and ways to bring success to our communities.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Friday's Promotion Ceremony Ought to be Interesting

Time has finally come for a promotion ceremony in what has to be the longest, strangest delay in announcement-to-ceremony in CMPD history (note: this is more of a guess than fact-checked).

Bigger note to reporters: you should attend, because the lead-in to Friday is filled with some very fired-up controversy from officers about promotions, transfers, raises, lawsuits, and what seems to be the loss of all the private records of the entire police force from the Training Center, location of the cermony.  The Police Department and several other agencies have so far refused to confirm this to multiple sources, but it seems an immediate denial would have been in order if it weren't true. 

Word is that all the missing files were discovered by an audit, but there have been requests by the Brass to all police officers to re-fingerprint themselves voluntarily... So these missing records are not a surprise to everyone.  What else is missing in this massive security hole?  Was it intentional or negligent or some other root cause that caused these records to be (allegedly) unaccounted for?  Finding out exactly when and who knew will be very interesting.  Finding out if it relates to recent promotions will be interesting. 

The CMPD paid at least $10,000 for an outside agency to get their CALEA certification recently. 

CALEA stands for Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc.   If you look up the CALEA certification folks, the first item that comes up says "As evidenced by many other recent initiatives, CALEA is working smarter to ensure its services complement the needs of agencies participating in CALEA Accreditation programming. To this end, CALEA remains the Gold Standard in Public Safety, and we invite you to visit the general conference webpage at," so they are definitely interested in promoting their conferences.  When the city-wide citizen input meeting was canceled by snow earlier this year, they were not interested enough to stick around for an extra day and take in information, or to re-schedule.  Wonder if they looked around the Training Center for records? has the announcement of all the promotions released and also some other moves being made.  Check out the list here.  But you'll want to read the "CMPD Shake Up" story, which explains the list--but check out the comments.

Pattern and practice.  Wow.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Read the City's position on A&E Show "First 48" and Then Weigh In

See this extensive article regarding the "reality television" show filmed last year here in Charlotte, and in several other cities across the United States.  Then please use the comments to share how you feel about the issues. 

Did Charlotte's officers know ahead of filming what they were signing up for? What about after? Did the Fraternal Order of Police have any review or input? Is this show part of the reason the CMPD liability insurance premiums were increased by 25% this year, for cause?

Does this affect the way police to their jobs, for the sake of the show?  Is there pressure for a "good show."
What about hours or 'special consultants' to the show... there are just so many questions about a contract that was apparently signed and approved by no one but Police Chief Rodney Monroe, and according to his attorney, he did it all with only one e-mail to the troops when it was done, congratulating them on a "Great Arrest" featured on an episode.  Very Strange.